An Interesting Pair of Back Action Pistols by Skelton of Monaghan.

An Interesting Pair of Back Action Pistols by Skelton of Monaghan. With round sighted barrels, engraved ‘MONAGHAN’ along the sighting rib, double gold lines at the breech and elongated border engraved tangs running almost to the butt, signed back-action locks decorated with foliage, cocks decorated en suite, three-quarter stocked in walnut, cut with chequering at the grips and single silver barrel band towards the muzzles, engraved diamond shaped escutcheons, depicting a dog holding a pierced heart, and an additional rectangular escutcheon with the initials ‘J.H.’ white metal butt caps and barrel bolt escutcheons, engraved trigger guards and ramrod pipes, fitted with captive ramrods.

Some pitting to steel furniture. An interesting pair of small Irish pistols in need of further research.

Bore:  28 Bore
Barrel Length: 4 Inches (10.16 cm)


1 in stock


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