An English (Greenwich) Bridle-Gauntlet For The Left Arm Circa 1630-40.

An English (Greenwich) Bridle-Gauntlet For The Left Arm Circa 1630-40. Of iron, with rounded elbow-length cuff of two pieces riveted together and each with turned upper edge, the outer one with medial ridge and pointed apex, the hand of six overlapping metacarpal plates and an embossed knuckle-plate, each of the former with low medial ridge, the main edges bordered by pairs of incised lines, and with domed iron rivets throughout.

It is completed by an ochre-coloured leather glove, a specially made copy based on original examples.

Internal Marks: Construction marks on the metacarpal plates, hidden by glove.

External Marks: None.

Length: 17 Inches (43.18 cm)
Width: 5 Inches (12.7 cm)


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