A Good English Civil War Mortuary Sword, Circa 1640.

A Good English Civil War Mortuary Sword, Circa 1640. With tapering single edged blade, double edged towards the tip, cut with four fuller, three of which run the entire length of the blade, stamped within the fullers on both sides; ‘FECIT SALINGEN’ in each of the three fullers, hilt comprising solid guard chiselled with a male bust on each side between foliage, short scrolled wrist guard, knuckle guard connected by two diagonal bars and two bifurcated side-bars chiselled with foliage, the knuckle guard and side-bars screwed to the globular pommel, the latter decorated with foliage and with flattened button, grip bound with twisted brass wire between two Turk’s heads.

Blade Length: 33 Inches (83.82 cm)
Overall Length: 39 Inches (99.06 cm)