A Fine Blunderbuss

A Fine Flintlock Blunderbuss by King of London, Circa 1760. With three-stage brass barrel slightly belled at the muzzle and stamped with London Proofs and signed LONDON along the top, signed rounded border engraved lock decorated with a spray of foliage at the tail, moulded figured walnut full-stock carved with a raised apron around the tang, brass mounts throughout comprising foliate engraved side-plate, foliate engraved butt-plate and trigger guard with geometric design on the bow and stylised acanthus leaf finial, elaborate brass escutcheon at the wrist, turned ramrod pipes, original horn tipped ramrod with steel worm.

Made screw barrel flintlock pocket pistols and brass barrel flintlock blunderbusses. Also flintlock muskets with Royal Cypher. Shop in London.