A Rare Cased 4 Barrel Pistol by Lancaster
A Scarce Cased 4-Barrel Percussion Pistol by C. Lancaster, London. With browned four-shot sighted barrel block, signed ‘LANCASTER LONDON’ within the central rib, decorated with sprays of foliage towards the breech, stamped with London proofs, case-hardened box-lock action, profusely engraved throughout, fitted with sliding safety catches that lock the hammers at half-cock, hammers decorated en suite, finely chequered walnut butt with engraved butt cap and hidden telescopic ramrod (I have not encountered one of these before) in their original lined and fitted box with all accessories, including powder flask, bullet mould, oil bottle etc, the lid with trade label for; ‘CHA LANCASTER Gun Manufacturer LONDON’. A nice complete set.
Charles Best Gun Barrel Maker, 10 Craven Buildings, Drury Lane, 1811-18; coach & Horse Yard, Great Titchfield Street, 1822-4; 2 Thomas Place, Hampstead Road (workshop) 26 York Street, Gloucester Place (residence) 151 New Bond Street (Shop). 1826-9 Gunmaker, 151 New Bond Street, 1829-47. Barrel maker to Joseph Manton. Died 1847.