A Percussion Blunderbuss
A Brass-Barrelled Blunderbuss by Wilson of London, Circa 1800. With three-stage octagonal to round barrel divided by raised mouldings and fitted with top-mounted spring bayonet, the bayonet released by a sliding safety catch on the barrel tang, signed stepped lock, converted from flintlock to percussion, with sliding safety catch, full-stocked in walnut and cut with a band of chequering at the grip, border engraved steel mounts throughout including butt plate, trigger guard and ramrod pipes, complete with brass tipped ramrod.
Richard born 1703. Apprenticed to uncle, Thomas Green, 1718; free of Gunmakers Co., 1725. Proof piece and mark, 1730. Elected Assistant, 1734; Master, 1741. Gunmaker, at the Fowler, Minories, took over business of Agnes Green, 1730. Contractor to Ordnance, from 1746; East India Co., 1733-6; Hudson’s Bay Co., 1730-56; Royal African Co., 1739. With son, William, became Richard & William Wilson & Co., 1757-9; Richard Wilson & Co., 1759-66. Died 1766.