A Superb Flintlock Duelling Pistol by Prosser of London. With browned octagonal sighted barrel, with case-hardened breech block with gold touch-hole and prossers mark and single gold line, engraved tang fitted with rear-sight, with stepped bevelled lock, engraved with stands of arms and signed under the pan, fitted with sliding safety catch, full ‘saw-handled’ stocks, cut with chequering, silver band at butt with engraved silver butt plate, steel trigger guard engraved with stands of arms and pineapple finial, turned ramrod pipes with horn-tipped ramrod.
John Sword Cutler & Beltmaker to George III, 1795; George IV, 1827. Registered silversmith’s mark 1796. Sword Cutler & Gunmaker, 9 Charing Cross, 1796-1853; 37 Charing Cross (same address as Henry Tatham) 1854-60.
Howard L. Blackmore (1986) Gunmakers Of London, 1350-1850. George Shumway Publisher. USA.
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