A Flintlock Cannon Barrel Pistol ex. Keith Neal

A Flintlock Pocket Pistol by Heylin, Circa 1770. With round turn-off three-stage barrel, crisply stamped below with Tower private proofs and Heylonis barrel smith’s mark, border engraved box-lock action signed in capitals on each side and decorated with scrolls and foliage, sliding trigger guard safety catch engraved with an oval motif on the bow and figured flat-sided walnut butt inlaid with scrolling silver wire.

Joseph, Gunmaker, ‘at the Cross Guns’, Cornhill, 1757 .Made free of Gunmakers Co., by redemption, proof piece & mark, 1757. Elected Assistant, 1773; Master in 1777. Gunmaker and stone crossbow maker, 48 Cornhill, 1757-79; 100 Bishopsgate Within, 1780-1; Aldersgate Street 1796. Contractor to East India Co., 1773-7; Hudson Bay Co., 1775-7; African Merchants Co., 1760. Died 1801.