With sighted octagonal barrels, engraved ‘EXETER CHANGE LONDON’ retaining original brown on both barrels, border engraved tangs fitted with rear-sights, signed bevelled locks decorated with sprays of foliage and fitted with sliding safety catches, full-stocked in walnut cut with deep chequering at the grips, vacant white-metal escutcheons, with engraved steel trigger guards, decorated with bands of border engraving and stands of arms on the bow, with pineapple finials, horn-tipped ramrods.
The Exeter Exchange (popularly known as Exeter Change) was a building on the north side of the Strand in London, with an arcade extending partway across the carriageway. It is most famous for the menagerie that occupied its upper floors for over 50 years, from 1773 until it was demolished in 1829.
Exeter Exchange was built in 1676, on the site of the demolished Exeter House (formerly Burghley House and Cecil House), London residence of the Earls of Exeter, almost opposite the Savoy Hotel. Around the same time, the nearby Burleigh Street and Exeter Street were laid out. The Exeter Exchange originally housed small shops on the ground floor, and rooms above which were let to the Land Bank. Over time, the traders on the ground floor were replaced by offices, and the upper rooms were used for storage
Bore: 25 Bore
Barrel Length: 2.5 Inches (6.5 cm)
Overall Length: 6.10 Inches (15.5 cm)