A Brace of Sporting Guns
A Brace of 18-Bore Flintlock Sporting Guns by Capper of London, Circa 1780. With octagonal to round sighted barrels with bayonet lugs below, signed London on the top flats and decorated with a band of flowers at the transition from round to octagonal and decorated with sprays of foliage at the breeches, London proofs, elaborately engraved tangs incorporating back-sight, one flat. one stepped bevelled locks profusely engraved with foliage and signed CAPPER on foliate scrolls, the cocks decorated en suite, full-stocked in walnut (some old repairs to woodwork) with raised apron around the tangs and steel escutcheons numbered 1 and 2, engraved steel furniture incorporating side-plates with martial trophies, butt plates decorated with a stand of arms on the tails, foliate engraved trigger guards with acorn finials and decorated with a flower head on the bows, turned steel ramrod pipes and original steel ramrods.